Devna* was just a teenager when the attacks started. Living in a remote mountain community in South Asia with her family, no one had any explanation for them. Fear filled her household. They sensed the attacks were spiritual in nature, but how could they fight anything supernatural? Weak and vulnerable, victory seemed impossible.
Then one day in 2015, foreigners came to her village. They gave Devna’s mother six books, which Devna read within a month. One told the story of a Japanese lady who was crippled and suffering from her disabilities, but who found courage and hope in Jesus Christ.
Devna began calling on Jesus in her difficulties. As she did, she felt God healing her condition.
Who is this Jesus, and where does His power to rebuke evil spirits come from? Devna wondered. But no one was around to tell her more about Him.
Two years later, two OM workers gave her an audio Bible. They began discipling her, teaching her about God’s grace, love, and truth in Jesus Christ. She received Him with all hear heart, and in 2018, Devna joined the OM team.
Her undeniable testimony of life-change caught the attention of her community. They wanted to know more.
Today, a fellowship of 23 believers gathers regularly in Devna’s home. As a part of OM training, each new worker is encouraged to make a list of 20 people who are not believers so they can remember to pray for them and share the Gospel with them. Since Devna created her list, seven of her 20 are now following Jesus!
Devna’s testimony and service is proving fruitful, as many people come to faith through her witness. They’re growing as disciples who are now transforming others’ lives, too.
Praise God for the way He is working in and through Devna. Please pray for many more like her—people who come to know Jesus and are motivated to share His Good News with those around them!