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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is home to many religions, ethnicities and languages but sadly, it has experienced years of ethnic and religious conflict

This small island off the southern tip of India has been known by many nicknames: Ceylon, Serendib, Island of Dharma, Teardrop of India, Pearl of the Orient. Each one illustrates why it has captured the hearts of visitors over the centuries with its tropical beauty.

Sadly, this tiny island has also suffered from long years of ethnic conflict making it a nation divided by culture, language and religion. Buddhism is the major religion, with smaller minorities of Hindus and Muslims. 

Evangelical Christians in Sri Lanka are few, but this small minority has an inspiring love for the Lord and His people.  Christian workers minister in churches, bringing encouragement and teaching to brothers and sisters in the Lord.  Believers enrich the lives of street children from the beaches of Colombo providing education, food, medical care and LOVE. 

Facts about Sri Lanka
People Groups:
Wahumpura, Vellalar, Navandanna, Tamil (Muslim traditions), Karava
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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