Your Work Can Change The World
Discover a role within your reach.
We offer guidance and resources to those seeking to use their professional talents to open doors for the gospel in other countries. Looking for the place where your work will matter most? That’s where we can help.
Discover Your Role Within Your Reach (1)
Let our Coaches show you how.
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Allow us to create a customized plan.
Let’s execute the plan together.
Want to explore options?
Not ready to move overseas with your profession yet? Start your journey with other opportunities.
Scatter Coaching
Career Coaching for Jesus Followers
Work with OM
Support the Front Lines
Short-Term Experiences
Short-Term Mission Experience
Serve the Lord / Earn Credit
Not ready to Travel?
For Young Jesus Followers
Do Something Significant
Scatter Coaching
We provide career coaching to place Jesus followers into the global marketplace. Participants enroll in an 8-week cohort learning experience as they walk alongside others in finding international employment. Afterwards, OM will coach them to develop a customized job search plan specific to their industry and desired country.

Our scatter coaching staff will connect you into a global network and are dedicated to find you a job wherever you have been called.
Explore Scatter Coaching
Work with OM
Come join our staff and help us do this.

Excited to join the fight by releasing other believers to display Jesus’ love through their work? Your unique life and professional skills can help someone else serve Jesus where access to the Gospel is limited (or nonexistent).
Explore Open Positions in the US and Abroad
Short-Term Experiences
Short-Term experience matters. A very common first step as someone moves toward living where Jesus is not known is to just get out there and try it. Our Short-Term trips provide the perfect opportunity for this. Pack a bag, buy a ticket, join a team, and go.

As we coach you on your journey, we can help you find an experience that will drag you outside your comfort zone and, at the same time, prepare you for a bold future.
Explore Trip Options
Supercharge your career with an internship in your major! You can find international, US-based (Atlanta, GA), and virtual internships.

This is a chance for you to take your first step into what your life could be—with your occupation as the centerpiece of a whole life displaying Jesus where He is not known—all while earning college credit.
Explore Internships Options
Our rapidly changing world is allowing people to join our vision on either the US team or as a member of an international OM team. Could now be the time for you to change the world while living and working virtually from home?
Explore Virtual Options
Teen Street is an international Christian community just for you, teens! TeenStreet is a collective of young Jesus followers that exists to inspire, equip and connect this generation with God, with each other and with opportunities to impact the world.

Founded in Europe, TeenStreet events now span the globe from Australia to Brazil and launched in the USA in 2021!
Don’t miss it.
Follow TS on The Socials:
Explore TeenStreet
If you live near our Tyrone, GA, offices (just southwest of Atlanta) and you have time and some skills to share, you could make a genuinely valuable contribution to our Core Team as we seek to serve those transitioning overseas. If you live elsewhere, inquire about our virtual work roles.

Your volunteer work matters.
Explore Volunteering Options
In Their Words
“OM helped us find community and the support network we needed after we already arrived on the field for our marketplace jobs. They were the most willing organization to adapt to the way we felt called to serve! “
- Kevin and Sarah Pfister
“OM has been such a great help to me as I prepare to leave for my new role overseas. They have helped me to navigate complications surrounding visa guidelines and government regulations.”
- Claire Ulrich
“OM supported me through the process of finding a job, providing training, and praying for me. They connected me with a support network of MP workers which was a huge blessing.”
- Ben Larson
“I have appreciated OM’s help as I went through the application and interview process for my new job overseas. They were able to give me so much guidance and help throughout the entire process.”
- Emily Johnson
“One thing that I really appreciated about OM is how they were able to connect me with other believers in the country where I now work. They helped me to find community.”
- Joshua Miller
“As I went through the process of moving internationally, OM was so helpful in answering my questions about the impact that this move would have on my family. They gave me the resources that I needed to help make the transition smooth for my family and I.”
- Antonio Lopez
“When I was a teen, I loved attending OM’s TeenStreet event. It instilled in me a passion for missions, which led to my joining an MDT (Missions Discipleship Training) with OM!”
- Hannah Anderson
“OM was instrumental in helping me to find a job where I can use my talents and skills to glorify God among those who don’t yet know Him.”
- Sofia Mendoza
We Get It!
Moving overseas is both exciting and daunting at the same time. Don’t despair! Our Coaches help address concerns that many people share: family, job search, finances, cultural awareness, safety, community, and more.
Let our Coaches show you how.
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    Each year, Operation Mobilization helps hundreds of churches get excited, equipped and engaged with international missions. We can speak at your church, offer strategy guidance or simply provide trips for your group.
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