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  • Team Member in The Caucasus
    Since our beginning, we have been driven by the deep conviction that everyone should have the opportunity to hear the gospel at least once. Sadly, there are still thousands of people in this region that have never heard about Jesus, ever! We are looking for people with a passion for Jesus and a vision to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers established fully in this place.
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  • Team Member in North Africa
    Want to invest your life in the lives of those who currently do not have access to the gospel?
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  • Team Member With OM Austria
    Does your heart beat for immigrants from mostly Muslim backgrounds? Do you have a passion to pass on God's love holistically?
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  • Custom OM Opportunity
    If God has laid something on your heart that is not listed on our website, engage here and we will work with you to determine what opportunity and where would be the best fit to help us carry out our vision to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least-reached.
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  • Communications Officer in Albania - REMOTE CAPABILITY
    Help us create content and a strategy of communications that aims to inform and encourage our partners as well as motivate others to get personally involved in missions in Albania.
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  • IT Technician onboard Logos Hope
    Bring your God-given skills and experience to bring Knowledge, Help, and Hope to the world!
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  • Electrical Officer onboard Doulos Hope
    Come use your God-given skills and experience to bring knowledge, help and hope to the world!
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  • Crew Member onboard Logos Hope or Doulos Hope
    Live in a unique community on board a ship for either 1 or 2 years while being a part of an organization that brings knowledge, help and hope to the world.
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  • Accountant in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Use your God-given skills to glorify Him in a place where Jesus is less-known or understood. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a land of wonderful history, but challenging ethnic tensions.
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  • Preparing for Long-Term service in North Africa
    Come build strong foundational skills to do Kingdom-building work among young Muslims who are now deeply questioning their faith and their futures. Is God leading you toward investing your life with those who don't have access to the gospel?
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  • Interested in OM helping your Church?
    Each year, Operation Mobilization helps hundreds of churches get excited, equipped and engaged with international missions. We can speak at your church, offer strategy guidance or simply provide trips for your group.
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