Since February 24, 2022, when Russian troops entered Ukraine, millions of Ukrainians have fled looking for safety within Ukraine and across Europe. OM has been serving in Ukraine for more than 25 years, so our teams were able to quickly mobilize within hours of the invasion, providing hope and assistance both inside Ukraine and in neighboring countries. The specific story told in the video and on this page is from 2017 – when a group of pastors decided to move towards the front lines instead of fleeing. It’s a great example of the ongoing work of OM today.
War means death and fear.
The gospel means life and peace.
Can the two coexist?
Thanks to several “hero pastors” in Ukraine, with whom OM was privileged to partner, the answer is yes. “As the Bible says, when He sees trouble, He does not run away and He does not leave his flock,” says one pastor. “My pain for the people who died here forced me to keep risking my life to save others. This is our calling in Christ Jesus.”
In November 2013, thousands of Ukrainians gathered hopefully at the Maidan Square in what became known as the Kiev Maidan Revolution, watching, waiting, and praying for days. In the months that followed, clashes resulted, killing hundreds and wounding 1,100 others. The president fled to Russia, leaving the glorious riches of the palace displayed to the world, in stark contrast to the poverty many of his people experienced.
Then the Russians moved in.
Since then, many people have died. Even more have fled. Internally displaced people (IDPs) wander all over the country, in search of any sign of hope.
In this otherwise dark and bleak situation, a ray of light breaks in. It emanates from OM workers in Ukraine burning with the love of Jesus for the hurting people all around them. As the organization has done for 60+ years, OM is coming alongside the local church to mobilize resources, support workers on the ground and share the transformational power of the gospel.
OM teams work with several churches in the cities of Odessa, Rivne, Vinnitsa and Kaharlyk. They often focus on children through Sunday schools, clubs and camps.
The OM team praises God for what He is doing in Ukraine and asks for further prayer…
The need is great and the time is now. Thank you for praying for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine!