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Opening Up a World of Opportunity
Short Term, Interns, Volunteers/Ships/Training/Discipleship
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Salvation in the Sahel
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Just like the arid Sahara Desert to the north, the Sahel region is parched and desperately thirsts for the gospel. Stretching across Mali, Bur...
Polish People Step Up to Help Their Ukrainian Neighbors
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“There are many Polish people that want to help but need to be linked with the needs of the Ukrainians,” Weronika shared. “Part of our job has...
Igniting New Worship Music
National/Near Culture Worker/Short Term, Interns, Volunteers/Catalytic Ministries/Europe/Arts
Heart Sounds International (HSI) is a ministry of OM Arts (now called Inspiro Arts Alliance) that helps churches all around the world to creat...

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